The computer can be a friend
in your classroom

The Computer

1. Use the computer as a tool to simplify your teaching.
2. It takes time to learn, but it will be worth it in the long run.
3. It takes time to put in data, but it will save you time later.
4. Teach it to the children, for they will need it in their future.

As a teacher I use the computer for:
1. Seating Charts  (Paint)
2. Schedule (Paint)
3. Sign up sheets, (Paint)
4. Name Tags for projects and field trips and prize drawings(Word)
5. Class lists for grades(Excel)
6. Honor roll, good citizen, etc lists.  (Word)
7. Flash Cards (Paint)
8. Vocabulary lists (Word)
9. Lesson Plans (Word, Scanner, Paint, Kid Pix)
10. Word Search (Excel, Word and Internet)
11. Tests (Word)
12. Bulletin Board Displays (Word, Digital camera, scanner, Corel, Paint)
13. Certificates (Corel print house, Print shop deluxe)
14. Slide Shows (Kid Pix, Kai’s Power show, Power Point)

Other computer generated projects:
1. Calendars
2. Young Authors
3. Buttons, Magnets, T-Shirts

To make teaching on the computer easier, I have:
1. Boxes of formatted disks for each class I teach with name and room # on each disk.
2. If you choose, make a folder for each class on the desktop and have them save there.
3. Timer
4. Handouts for specific projects.
5. Computer vocabulary sheets and board displays
6. Extra paper of several varieties, extra cartridges for the printer.
7. Post it notes to stick on disks.
8. Samples printed and put on the board.
9. Computer parts and computer graphics vocabulary lists on the board.
10. Rubber bands to hold disks in groups.
11. Computer graphics samples on the board.
12. Placed special folders on the computer with clipart and special tools.
13. Preloaded Kid Pix on all computers and change the resolution when
using it.