Martius- sacred to Mars
ender Equality Month--Time to honor both genders; time to meditate on the
 equality of women and men, on the respect due to both women and men,
and on Goddess-God manifesting as woman and man.

1 Martius - the day is sacred to Juno, but is also much known for its festivals to Mars. Laurels (which are sacred to Mars) are affixed to the houses of the flamen priests and to various public buildings.
Roman festival of Matronalia, is sacred to Juno Lucina, who presides over women and childbirth in particular. When engaged in her worship, women had to unbind their hair and have nothing knotted on their person, to symbolize nothing hindering safe childbirth. It is a day of renewal, as the sacred fire of Vesta is tended by the Vestal Virgins.
On this day it is customary for husbands to pray for the wellbeing and health of their wives. It is a day of great celebration and revelry, when gifts are exchanged between friends and family members. It is a day of feasting, gambling, and music, with much dancing in the streets.
St. David  
2 Ceadda, holy wells day , a Celtic god of healing springs and holy wells, symbolized by the Crann Bethadh, the tree of life.
Festival of Vesta (Roman)
Iroquois Maple Ceremony- thanksgiving for the Maple tree and its sugar.
Iroquois believe Awenhai/Sky Woman bore the twin brothers Thahonhiawakon/Order and Tawiskaron/Chaos,
St. Chad  
3 Aegir- a Teutonic god of the sea. His wife Ran likes to sink ships and then care for the sailors she's drowned.
All Triple Goddesses
Feast of Rhiannon (Celtic/ Welsh Mother Goddess)
4  Elaphebolion Noumenia--Old Greek festival honoring all the Gods and Goddesses
St. Casimir
5 Navigium Isis-  Egyptian festival honoring Goddess Isis as Lady of the Moon and Ruler of the Sea; celebrated with the launching of a boat of offerings.
6 Mars-the festival of the god of war and agriculture, father of the Roman people, when Roman household gods are venerated.
Feast of Greek Goddess Athena - as protector and defender
St. Martian  
7 Sacred to Vediovius, an ancient deity associated with Jupiter and the underworld.
Junoalia- a festival of the Roman goddess Juno.
Feast of Greek Deities Aphrodite and Hermes--Day to honor the divine feminine and divine masculine in harmony  
8  International Women’s Day
Mother Earth Day Festival
9 Feast of Greek Goddess Artemis (Roman Diana/Slavic Diwitsa) - as protector of wild animals and vegetation.
Celebration of Aphrodite and Isis  
10  Hypatia’s Day,
Festivals of Isis and Ishtar  
11 Herakles, Hercules. Hercules was struck mad by Hera for all the trouble he caused, and eventually poisoned. He was brought to Olympus and finally married Hebe.
City Dionysia-Greek festival honoring God Dionysos as patron of drama, poetry, music, and inspiration.] 11-16 or 14-19
Asklepieia- Greek festival honoring Asklepios, God of healing, and Hygieia, Goddess of health  
12. Martyrdom of Hypatia(the Divine Pagan)
St. Gregory
14 The runic half-month of Beorc begins,
Diasea (Greek)
Veturius Mamurius- This is the half-month for the goddess of birch trees, for rebirth.
It's also a festival for the art of making armor.
Equirria  A festival of horse racing dedicated to Mars, god of war and agriculture. Established by Romulus himself in the early days of Rome.
(Egyptian Serpent-Goddess)  
15 Cybele (Roman)
Rhea the holy day of Rhea, the Greek goddess of the earth and tamer of wild beasts.
Festival of Attis and Cybele
Festival of river nymphs.
Anglo-Teutonic festival of Goddess Ostara, celebrating the annual rebirth. Her Hare gave gifts of eggs - signifying rebirth 15-21
Anna Perenna sacred day, the personification of the succession of the years. Represented as an old woman, her worship is celebrated by both men and women who engage in much revelry, dancing, and drinking as many cups of wine as the number of years they pray to live. Public prayers and sacrifice are also offered to ensure a prosperous coming year. It is an uninhibited day of frolic for most people.
The day is also sacred to Jupiter,
16 Dionysus and Bacchus- two day festival for the god of wine and grapes, fertility, vegetation and drama. Traditionally on this day, prisoners are to be set free and the possessions of debtors may not be seized.
Holika (Indian Demon-Goddess)
17 Trefuilnid Treochar,
The Agonalia on XVII Martius was the day young boys were usually initiated into manhood by donning their adult togas.
Festival of Astarte (Canaanite)
the Celtic tree month of Nuin ends,
Liberalia- The celebration of Liber Pater, an Italian god of both fertility and wine. He is associated with the Greek Dionysus
Festival of Astarte
Summer Finding Ritual
St. Patrick's Day
--Old European festival marking rebirth of the Green Man/Green George (God as Deciduous Vegetation); merged with the Christian feast of St. Patrick.
18 The Celtic tree month of Fearn begins.
Sheela-Na-Gig (Irish fertility Goddess) 
19 Birth of Athena/ Minerva- ( war, wisdom,industry, art, justice and skill.)
Feast of Cronus,
Babylonian New Year,
St. Joseph,
of Minerva-Roman festival of Goddess (Greek Athena)- the patroness of medicine, handicrafts, doctors,artists, weaving, sewing, painting, teaching, dyeing, spinning and wisdom and as font of artistic inspiration.
Weaving Day
Eyvind Kinnrifi,

Quinquatria A celebration sacred to Mars. The Salii (priests of Mars) dance in the comitium It is a ritual preparation for the season's coming military campaigns. The celebration of Mars lasts for five days. March 19-23 or 21-25
Sitala (Indian Goddess) 
20 Vernal Equinox Spring Equinox-Marks the beginning of Spring and point of equal daylight and darkness; celebrates first, annual, and perpetual creation with egg hunts and exchanges.
Alban Eilir,

Goddess month of Columbina begins
The sun is directly over the equator today spring commences.
is a Norse goddess who bears the apples of life, which keep the gods young.
Summer Finding (norse),
The Morrigan,
The Norns,
The Three Fates,
The Three Mothers(Lakshmi, Parvati and Sarasvati)
Akitu Festival  
21 Tea and Tephi -Irish tradition has it that on this day the city of Tara was founded by two princesses, Tea and Tephi.
Old Sumerian festival celebrating the return of Dumuzi (God of Life and Death) from the Underworld to be with Inanna (Goddess of Life) for the verdant part of the year.  
22 Eostre(Saxon Fertility Goddess),
Ostara(German Fertility Goddess),
The Green Goddess,
Lord of the Greenwood,
Procession of the Tree Bearers

Festival of Cybele 22-27  
23 Summer finding-Today is the Norse festival of the ascendancy of light over darkness.
24 Prytania(Britannia),

Guardian Goddess Albion,
Norse god Heimdall, the guardian of light and the Bifrost bridge, which links heaven and earth.
St. Gabriel  
25 Mars and Neria,
Lady day, the return of the goddess  
26 Solitude Day
27 Liber Pater(Roman God of Wine),  
Gauri(Indian Goddess of Marriage),
28 Sacrifice at the Tombs-Today is a Roman festival acknowledging ancestors.
Kwan Yin,

29 St. Mark
Festival of Ishtar,
Birthday of Artemis,
All African Gods of Rain and Harvest
30 Janus and Concordia, festival of patrons of beginnings, doors and passages and of peace and harmony respectively.
the runic half-month of Ehwaz begins-The rune Ehwaz, the horse, signifies partnership between humans and nature.
Eostara (German)  
31 Luna-Roman festival of the goddess of the full moon.