The Tradition of the Temple of Eldar

What:  A Pagan Grove
Who:  Members, Initiates and Welcomed Guests
How:  Eclectic Ritual
Why:  To honor and celebrate the Wheel of the Year the God and Goddess, and to make changes within ourselves.

The Eldar Tradition

     We are a Pagan Grove Called the Temple of Eldar.  We meet at the Sabbats to honor and celebrate the Wheel of the Year and at  the Esbats to honor and celebrate the Moons.  We believe that the life source is both male and female and we call that source God and Goddess.  We honor the God and Goddess in our rituals and in our life.  We may use any pantheons and forms that we deem appropriate.  We believe that what we send out in action will return as more than what we sent.  We may call this Karma, 3 fold law or the law of cause and effect.  We believe in past and future lives, calling it reincarnation or incarnations.  We are not open to the public but we believe those that need to find us will do so.  We ask that guests circle with us for at least 6 months before asking to become an initiate.  We ask the initiate to wait at least one year and a day before requesting membership.  The initiate will have tasks to perform during that year.  Dedication to the God, Goddess, or Craft may be done at any time.  All who attend circle with the Temple must believe and follow the Temple Order.  All guests, initiates and members are expected to enter the circle with perfect love and perfect trust.  We may also call this respect for each other and kindness in our actions to each other.  We are eclectic in practice. 
     We are not a Wiccan Coven, but we welcome Pagans, Earth Centered religious people, Wiccans and Witches to our circle.  We make every effort to wear Ritual robes.  We enter the circle deosil greeting Priestess and Priest.  We cast the circle creating sacred space, consecrate tools and elements, invite elements, and invite the God and Goddess.  We will have a purpose for the Ritual.  We usually have a Priest and Priestess to lead the Ritual.  Anyone attending may be asked to speak a part or call an element. They should be ready and willing to do so.  Quiet respect should be the tone of the circle.  Working magick requires common energy towards a goal.  The Eucharist will include juice or wine and bread, cakes or cookies.  We finish the ritual with our traditional closing.  The Temple is picked up and cleaned as we leave. 
A calendar of Rituals is to be made as far in advance as possible.  It should not be necessary for the Priestess to call and remind people of upcoming rituals. 
Rituals may be used from other sources, may be compiled or may be original.  Copies of each Ritual should be made available for each participant.  The Priestess will keep copies of each Ritual that is done and any other Rituals that may be donated or researched from other sources.  Anyone who asks can copy these resources and Rituals.
We do not have a degree system, but we are in the process of creating a level system.  The Priestess will offer classes in Paganism, Wicca and Magick.  She may also offer special classes on other subjects. 

     The Elders are the Druan Gwen, High Priestess and High Priest and are considered the first in hierarchy of the Temple.  The  Druan Gwen alone is next, followed by the High Priestess, and the High Priest.
The Elders will decided any voting situation.
 The Priestess and/or Priest should be able to teach Paganism, Wicca and Magick to members, initiates and guests.  They should also be able to answer any questions put forth by such.  If the answer is not readily available, they should be able to research and answer the question at a later date. 
All participants in Ritual are considered aspects of the God/Goddess and are to treated as such and to act as such.
Druan Gwen:  This is usually the oldest and wisest one of the Temple.  She is revered and respected above all. She is a counselor and a teacher.
High Priestess:  She is the  Ritual leader, Mother, Sister, Elder, teacher, wise one, compassionate and understanding, and gives creative inspiration.
High Priest:  He is the consort and defender of the Priestess, the Father, Brother, Elder, teacher, confidant, confessor, wise one, and imparts strength and logic. 
Priestess in Training:  She can be a Mother or young woman who is undertaking training in the level system.  She is interested in assuming the role of Priestess of the present grove or starting one of her own.
She is a helpmate to the High Priestess in setting up the temple and closing it down. She may be given tasks to perform, and should be actively pursuing learning.
Crone or Sage:  Older female or male, wise one of the Temple.
Maiden:  Young woman with no children,  independent and on a quest of learning.  May be given tasks to do for the Temple.
Gatekeeper:  Young male who will help the High Priest cast the circle.  May keep or hold sword for High Priest.  Serves as a guard.
Song Priestess:  Leads songs and chants in the circle.  Actively seeks new songs and chants and teaches them to the Temple.
Head Temple Musician:  May be male or female.  Actively provides music for Temple functions.  Leads other musicians or drummers.
Kitchen Witch:  Provides food, cakes, and such for Rituals.  Provides recipes when asked.
Incense/Oil maker:  Provides the Temple with oils and incense for Ritual.
Candle Maker:  Provides candles for the Temple Rituals.  Usually done at Imbolc.
Healer:  Actively pursues learning of healing, including methods, objects, herbs, and concoctions.  Teaches and uses information with Temple people.
Poet, Sage or Bard:  Someone who writes Temple lore, poetry, invocations and plays.
Everyone should have a role.  They should think about it and discuss it with the Elders. 
This Eldar Tradition was started on May 26, 1985