Art Vocabulary 16-30
16.Vertical- up and down
17.Horizontal- Across
18.Contour-the outline
shape of an object
19.Illustrate-to draw a
picture to tell about something; to explain a story
20.Movement- suggestion
of motion or action
21.Optical- visual; seen
with the eyes
22.Idealism- the effort
to show perfection and beauty instead of fact
23.Realism- treatment of
subject matter as in nature or real life; natural
24.Spherical- global; in
the shape of a ball
25.Beauty- that combination
of qualities that is pleasing to the eye
in working with your hands; good work in a craft
27.Asymmetrical- unbalanced
or uneven arrangement; not the same
28.Symmetrical- balanced
or even arrangement; one side equals the other; formal arrangement
29.Collage-A picture, usually
abstract, made of objects cut out and glued onto the picture.
30.Render- to draw