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Stitchery Projects Special
Preparation Information for the teacher |
Subject: Stitchery-
fifth grade pillow Grade level: 5 Key Concept-Goal: The student will be able to do a Flat or Satin Stitch, Running stitch, Fluffy Stitch and Rya Stitch. Vocabulary: Flat or Satin Stitch, Running stitch, Fluffy Stitch, Rya Stitch, crewel, yarn, needle, burlap. Essential Skills-Objectives-Art Aims: After showing the student how to do The Flat or Satin Stitch, running stitch, Fluffy Stitch and Rya Stitch in crewel using yarn and needle, the student will make a large sized pillow using these stitches. Engagement Activities- Procedure: The student will fill in the letters with a flat or satin stitch. They will fill in an area (like a heart or a star) with the Fluffy Stitch. They will sew the pillow together with the good sides together with a running stitch. Then the teacher will check and trim corners and turn the pillow inside out. Then the student will stitch a rya stitch all around the outside of the pillow. Directions for these stitches can be given out in a separate handout. You might print out a specific amount of these sheets and laminate them or put them in a plastic sheet protector to use again. Materials: Burlap sampler, yarn, needle, scissors, nametag. Organization for distribution: Pin altogether with name tag on top, teacher will pass them out. Work period-guidance: Teacher will do a class demonstration. Then as individual help is needed, they are to come to the teacher in a quiet, orderly line. Cleanup: Pin together with name tag on top, put in class container. Assessment-Evaluation: Did they learn the stitches? Did they do it neatly? Did they finish the project? Other Teaching Aids and Resources: Samples of stitchery. Higher Order Thinking Skill Questions: What other kind of project could you create using this stitch? Compare this kind of stitch with a plain running stitch. Does it look more professional? Does it look better? |